Thursday, January 08, 2009

Slow Down!

By Kerwin De Matas

Sometimes it's good to be impulsive, sometimes not! I can be impulsive at times, most of the times for the worst. When I get an idea in my head, it's difficult to get it out again. A failed relationship when I was younger involving an innocent child, bad relationship with my family, and two failed businesses. How many times I vowed to slow down, but it's really impossible for me sometimes. How hard is it when an idea comes into my head, to sit down and analyze it, go through the pros and cons, sift through the idea very well, and then come up with a sensible decision.... In my case again, sometimes very hard!! I thank God every day for my ex-wife, she is the thinker, and this is just what my little son needs now. Is she intelligent? She is way beyond that, I mean, every decision she takes works out like a charm, it's incredible. So then why don't I learn something from her...Stupid I guess.

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Being impulsive is not bad, if what a person is being impulsive about works out fine, but being impulsive and flunking out time after time again, can be frustrating and sometimes stressful. Sometimes I wonder if I have a mental disorder for crying out loud. Here's the deal, when I want to do something I would sit down and think about it, then all these ideas would just flood my head, and I would just sit there trying to sort them out, trying to take it slow and not make a foolish move. But guess what, it would be the most far fetched idea that would strike me as brilliant! No man, either I am a genius with hidden talents, or just incredibly stupid. Okay, so this year I promised myself to go through everything I do with caution, weigh everything properly, sift like I have never sifted before, and to leave out the far fetched ideas for now. When you look at some households in trouble financially, marital problems or what ever problem, it's easy to figure out why they came about in the first place, impulsiveness on the part of the man or woman. Most times, impulsiveness causes all these downs, more than the ups!! So this year 2009, for all those people like myself that just cannot reign in their ideas, SLOW DOWN, IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!! Chao!

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