Wednesday, August 30, 2006

" Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve "

By Kerwin De Matas

First and foremost, KUDOS TO YOU TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ON YOUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Congratulations to you my beautiful twin island state, you are 44 years of age today 31, August, 2006! You are still young and beautiful, even after trying your best to educate us as a people so that we won't go through all the suffering that you went through.

African slaves

I'm very sure you still blush a little for the countries that fought over you. Yes, in those days you were younger even, and dominated a control that was, and still is, to be respected. I don't think I have the ability to describe your beauty Trinbago, but from what I see, is enough to make me so proud of you. I see you two islands healing after years of wars from 1418 to 1888, fighting for the assets that's yours. After that, they decided to transport slaves to your shores, for the sugar plantations, I'm very sure that you cried on that day seeing people in bondage like that....

Indian labourers

The hard slavery years were over, hoooorey! Trinbago, you were then to be introduced to the Indian indentured labourers to work the sugar cane fields, since slavery was abolished. Then the Chinese came not too long after, to carry on the the rest of the work, but by then, immigrants from other countries were coming to your shores....yeh, you were becoming very cosmopolitan Trinbago, the culture pot of the Caribbean was cooking.

Divali celebration of lights

With this diversity, lots of tradition were introduced and new traditions were born, for example, the famous Hindu festival, Caribbean style called,Divali, the Muslim festival, Eid el ftr, and the African celebration, Emancipation day, all of them combined and Carnival was born!!

Show yuh colours!

Trinbago, may all your riches continue to benefit the peoples of your land, and just continue being our home for many, more years to come, love you and take care, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!..........

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