Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mermaids And Fairymaids

This is not an article by Kerwin De Matas

Mermaids and Fairy maids (Tobago Folklore) - There be mermaids here and Leviathan, great denizens of the deep. Amongst the swirling currents and white capped blue-green waters, just where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean, close by St. Giles and near to Misty Marble Island, past Anse Gouleme and Anse Brisant, towards the Bird of Paradise Island and down the coast past Speyside to Fat Hog Bay, it is remembered from long ago that this was where the mermaids came to play.


Tobago mermaids are male and live in the deep, deep sea. They mate with the fairy maids of the rivers and the secret mountain pools. Riding upon the crest of waves, they are handsome men like kings of old or warriors of long ago, be plumed and richly garbed. They may grant a wish, transform mediocrity into genius and confer wealth and power. Sometimes the water people seek relationships with mortals. Some men are particularly attractive to the fairy maids, especially men with smooth skin.

Fairy maids are said to be beautiful with long lush hair and one tiny foot in the shape of a deer's hoof, she may use her power to "turn" a man's head. She may steal his shadow and leave him quite demented. In which case, accompanied by friends and family and with the help of a "workman", he must go to the river and address the water pleading for the restoration of his lost shadow.

Little People ( or Bucks )

This done, he must leave the water's edge and not look back. Fairy maids may be found in caves behind waterfalls or beneath certain bridges where the river runs deep and swift. In days gone by, they were seen near certain water wheels. To discontinue a relationship with a fairy queen, offerings of two pairs of shoes must be made. The first must be burnt on the beach, the fairy maid will then rise out of the water and ask if she is to be paid for past services. The answer must be "nothing but this pair of shoes". The second must then be thrown into the waves.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Is It Really Necessary?

By Kerwin De Matas

We see on the news every day, the statistics of kids abused physically and/or psychologically. The statistics were so high, that I had to ask myself if the info were true or no. I mean, physically abused kids 30%, psychologically abused kids 22% etc, etc. Are we crazy! Are kids just good enough to have, and when we are in a shitty mood, to open a can of whoop-ass?!.... We have got to be crazy people. Growing up in Trinidad, what I thought was normal when a parent would really have a go at their kid, for some sort of misbehaviour, I realize now that there is no excuse to go around making a child's life a living hell on earth, no matter what!

Would This Help A Child?

If parents were to be educated on how to train their kids properly in the first place, and practicing family values etc, there would be no reason whatever to beat the living daylights out of their kids. Now think about it. Kids are to be loved, they are to be taught to be responsible human beings, parents need to be patient when educating their kids, it really is a full time job with a kid around. But remember, in most cases, parents weren't tied up and forced to have kids, it was a decision taken by two consenting adults, when they decided to get together in a responsible or in an irresponsible union. So then why all this nonsense, why do innocent kids have to pay for a day gone bad, or an economic situation gone bad, or the separation of parents?....

What Could She Have Done?...

Is it really necessary to punish kids in this manner? Hell, I am sure kids can learn to do the right thing, if they were living in a household full of love, attention, positive activities, etc.. It's incredible when the experts go on and on about the majority of abused kids coming from low income families. Of course everyone knows this is absurd, isn't it? It doesn't matter what household a kid comes from, so long as there are parents, they need to set the example now, because when we lack in our duties as parents, we are only laying the field for worst to come. Believe my words, we need to get into the parent mode, from the time we find out that we are going to be parents! Great, so every time we feel like we are at the end of our patience with the brat, um kid, we can just ask ourselves before we open that can of whoop-ass, " is it really necessary?".....

No Comment.......

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Who Is, Our Threat....

By Kerwin De Matas

There was a documentary on cable last night, that really had my attention. The days of my believing hearsay, were long gone, but, there were some interesting opinions voiced on that program. Two arguments, I always prefer to stay away from, politics and religion, but who knows, just by me writing this article, with this new patriotic act, I can be putting myself in problems. Guess what, I DON´T CARE!! I am not a terrorist, I am not anti-American, and as far as I know, freedom of speech still exists!

Saudita Royals

So, on this documentary, they have voiced a lot of doubts, about what intel the United States had access to, leading up to the September 11Th attacks, but never acted on them, or simply found the info harmless to act upon. The relations that the U.S had before and after, September 11Th, with the Saudi Kingdom is really confusing. Now of course, discriminating against all Muslim citizens is not the way, after all, normal Muslims following their faith still exists.

Muslims At Worship

But the majority of the terrorists on board those aircrafts on that faithful day were Saudis....So then why all this tolerant good relations with these people? This question perhaps is not too difficult to answer, after all, the Saudis do own over 7% of the United States, and if they were to take their money back, a second deppresion might very well come around again.

A Very Shaky U.S Economy

It was very curious though, that during this documentary, the camaraman had his camara focused for a while on the Saudi Embassy, and lo and behold, the secret service was on them like a bad headache! Film most other embassies, and who cares, but in this case , things took another turn.

Coalition Soldiers

Just remember, don´t piss off the money source! So for all those coalition soldiers ( the majority coming from the U.S..)falling like flies in Irak, the Bush administration have stationed you there, targeting a problem that wasn´t there in the first place, but sent you there to secure an interest important to them, the Saudi Royals, and England, in that order. Should I spell it for you? It starts with P.

Iraqi Oil Fields

Fine, if that´s what they wanted, it sure is getting to be a problem to get it. The big question right now; Is Washinton really targeting terrorism like they said they would? Or are they just too busy inventing silly laws to condemn inoccent people? As far as I see it, only England and Spain are taking these threats seriously....Come on uncle Sam, a mess was made on U.S soil, now use the technolygy that you have, and without harrasing inoccent people, prevent it from happening again.

Dead Iraqi Soldiers, Notice The White Flag....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


By Kerwin De Matas

As Baden Powell once said, " Be Prepared "!! Here we go again, the students along with their teachers are at it once more, they are going to strike again in downtown, Santiago, Chile. The warnings are visible at our office, to be careful when transiting to and from the job. What the heck, I am a professional now at dodging these protests, just have to know that you should never linger so that the tail of the protesters reaches you, because if that happens, as they say in Trinbago, " Crappo smoke yuh pipe! "

Carabineros With A Protester

It is disturbing though, that the teachers and students have not learned already, that with these protests, the hooligans are always waiting at the back to have their fun, I mean, whose supposed to be the smart ones here.... Can you believe that on the last protest, someone threw a Molotov cocktail in the window of the La Moneda, the Presidential Palace!!

La Moneda On Fire 11Th Sep 1973

Those damn kids/hooligans or whatever, want some good licks in dey ass!! How the hell can things be so out of control, that these fearless actions, can just go on with out anyone having respect for the law... It's incredible that the government would not step in to put some people in their places, just because of what went on in Chile's history in the 70's, the politicians are just too SCARED!!

Under Age Students Are Also In The Confusion

They are thinking of presenting a new security system for the protest programmed for the 26Th of September, it is supposed to eliminate the high percentage of destruction that usually follows these demonstrations, and guess what, I am really curious to see what it is. Personally I believe the politicians have waited too long to put law in order, because if they are thinking of putting out tough love at this point, this country would just go in turmoil, and you better believe that!! Now of course negativity won't help a situation, but after waiting years, only now they would present this new security measure?...

Being Led Away

I just hope no one is kidding no one here now, just hope so. As I have said on numerous occasions, I have grown really fond of this country, and to see that these things are happening here, is really sending a very negative message to the nation's youth as well as to the international press. Students, be a good example, there is a huge possibility that your protests can be organized so much better, than they are right now, come on, SHOW SOME GOOD VIBES TO GET YUH MESSAGE THROUGH!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dreams Are Made Of.....

By Kerwin De Matas

I know this has nothing to do with what's going on in our normal lives in this minute, but have you ever thought sometimes about being a home owner? Of course you have, if you are normal, then this is the dream of most everyone. As kids, especially kids from poor areas, imagine, these are their dreams.

Studying Is A Good Way To Start

I remember as a kid, always lying on my bed, designing my would be home in the future, those were good dreams. Sometimes the worse would come by, but sitting back and going into your most favorite daydream, just does wonders. Grownups would always say, that's just what they were, daydreams, come out of it and try to do something constructive. I continuously wondered, what that meant.

Depression Is Common In Dreams Gone Bad...

Now that I am a grownup, I don't find anything wrong with someone going into their daydreams, so long as it is not taking away their concentration from their particular jobs. Some people realize their dreams, making them come through, while others just try living one day to the next, finally getting a substitute until better comes along. It is sad though, when some dreams just cannot come through no matter how much a person might try.

Family Can Be A Big Help

These disappointments generally leads into depression, going into illegal stuff to recuperate something of that dream, or simply giving up and afterwards living the regrets for the rest of their lives, taking out all the problems on the kids or anyone in general. Dreams can be powerful stuff, that's for sure! Just think about it, dreams can make a person or break a person, when you really think about it....Speaking for my self now, yes I have realized some of my dreams, from hard work of course, but I remind myself that, even if I did not get all that I dreamed of, I should be very thankful for what I do have.

Dreams Can Come Through!

Everyday I see people that would give even a little to have what they have dreamt about all their lives, but I would say that because of not applying themselves to their goals with all their hearts, of course nothing would happen. Believe me, I have seen people, handicapped or not, accomplishing their goals with everything that they have. Come on, dreams are just that, dreams....If a person behind that dream does not put their best foot forward, nothing happens!! Live life to the fullest I guess, but enjoying it at the same time. So, as they say in the shipping biz, SHIP UP, OR SHIP OUT!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This Is Not An Article By Kerwin De Matas

Mama Glo

Mama Glow or Mama Dlo or Mama Dglo

"Mama Glow" or "Mama Dlo" or "Mama Dglo" whose name is derived from the French "maman de l' eau" which means "mother of the water" is one of the lesser known personalities of Trinidad and Tobago folklore. A half woman, half snake with long flowing hairwhich she combs constantly. Her upper torso is a naked, beautiful woman, the lower part coils into a large form of an anaconda snake that is hidden beneath the water. She is sometimes thought to be the lover of Papa Bois, and old hunters tell stories of coming upon them in the 'High Woods'. They also tell of hearing a loud, cracking sound which is said to be the sound made by her tail as she snaps it on the surface of a mountain pool or a still lagoon. Mortal men who commit crimes against the forest, like burning down trees or indiscriminately putting animals to death or fouling the rivers could find themselves married to her for life, both this one and the one to follow. Sometimes she takes the form of a beautiful woman 'singing silent songs on still afternoons, sitting at the water's edge in the sunlight, lingering for a golden moment, a flash of green - gone. Nothing but a big Morte Bleu, rising in the sun beams.

Old people talk: "Did you see a fish jump?" "Yes, but it did not go back in again!" If you were to meet Mama Dlo in the forest and wish to escape her, take off your left shoe, turn it upside down and immediately leave the scene, walking backwards until you reach home.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

This Is Not An Article By Kerwin De Matas.

La Diablesse

La Diablesse (Lajables), the Devil Woman, roames at night. She has eyes like burning coals and a face resembling that of a corpse, but hides it under a beautiful wide-brimmed hat and a veil over her face. She is dressed exquisitely in a blouse with puffy sleeves and long, petticoated, skirts. She has one cloven foot, which she tries to hide under her long skirts. She turns up at village dances, where she is immediately disliked by the women present, but she utterly charms the men and then asks one of them to take her home. He follows her, totally under her spell. She leads him deep into the woods and then suddenly she disappears. Unable to find his way home, the poor fellow stumbles around in the dark wood until he either falls into a ravine or a river to his death or gets attacked by wild hogs.

La Diablesse

Old people talk: If you feel you may encounter a La Diablesse on your way home, take off all your clothes, turn them inside out and put them on again, and this will surely protect you from a La Diablesse.


A Lugarhoo (Lagahoo or Loup Garou) is a person who can change themselves into a half animal from the torso down; and can also alter its size from tiny to very large in an instant. This is done at night as it rattles and drags chains and carries in its hand a whip-like bunch of dried sticks and reeds.

A Book On Lagahoo Folklore

Old people talk: If you want to see a lugarhoo and not be seen by it, take some yampee from the corner of a dog's eye, put it in your eye and peep out of a key hole at 12 midnight

Friday, September 22, 2006

This was an opinion placed by a fellow Trinbagonian, and I would say he/she really said in a few words, what I was explaining in one of my articles ' We Don't Need This ' 04 September. Check this opinion out, and you would see that this is a crime that's rampant world wide. Well done Trini, chao!!

" Poaching
Posted: 2006-09-18 7:05:00 PM
Underworld estimates says that trade in illegal wildlife products and shotgun ammunition in Trinidad is worth some TT$ 35 million a year. Most of the demand for wildlife products comes from outside the country. Unfortunately, it is our wildlife heritage that is plundered to supply this demand. Poaching and the sale of the illegal wild meat is the biggest underground traffic in the TT next to Narcotics. Although some poaching incidents are one-off events, many are part of large organised networks of poachers, traders and smugglers - all controlled by city-based businessmen who are seldom linked directly to the illicit goods. Wake up! You brain dead policy makers. It is time for you to smell the coffee. The establishment and management of a wildlife protection agency is the only hope to control this menace. This agency will liaise continuously with informers, forest officials, and the police to form a network. This information network will be a powerful tool to assist law enforcement authorities to bring about the seizure of wildlife products, and illegal firearms and ammunition and the arrest and prosecution of offenders."

Thursday, September 21, 2006


By Kerwin De Matas

We really take everything that we have for granted, don't we? I grew up in the Caribbean, Trinidad to be precise, and I've been trying to push myself to remember, where in my schooling, have we studied any topic on Haiti or Cuba. Speaking for myself now, don't know if I was that lousy a student, but I can't recall learning anything about those two islands from school.

A Common Site

The rest of the Caribbean, were all very well covered in school, I mean, I knew so much about the rest of the other islands, before even leaving Trinidad.. Imagine, now, I am learning more about Cuba, because of the Cubans I met in Miami, and the Cubans here in Chile. Of Haiti now, I learned more of that island, when I worked on the cruise line. That particular company, had a piece of peninsular on the north coast of Hispaniola, and I would say it was beautiful, but what lay beyond the gate of that private beach ( because that's all it was.. ) was truly sad.

Outright Lawlessness..

Now I see almost every day on the news, Haiti, the most poor island in the Caribbean, with an economic structure, that simply doesn't exist anymore ... I was looking at a Chilean program, on U.N peace keeping soldiers, based in Haiti in this moment. What I saw was totally unreal, of course, every where you go, you would see poverty of some sort, but the extreme poverty and disorder, like what I saw in Haiti, I mean, right in our backyard in the western hemisphere?

A Kid Begging For Food...

This is totally unbelievable!! What about the islands that are economically well off, like TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO! BARBADOS! JAMAICA! What's up! Are we going to wait for other countries to take care of a problem that's ours? For shame! So we are not going to take the responsibility, no aid efforts...

Peace Keeping Soldiers In Haiti

The kids I saw on that program were depending on these peace keeping soldiers, to give them scraps of food to take home. Many of those kids can't even read or write, but they learned the languages of the previous to the present peace keeping soldiers, so that they can get the special attention, when begging for food....People can say what they want, but one shouldn't have to be starved for food to a point, where they instill in their memories, the ability to learn, Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish etc, from the peace efforts that come to their island, just for the sake of begging!!

H.I.V, 1 Out Of Every 5

Again, kudos to you Chile and your peace keeping soldiers, and kudos to the other peace keeping efforts that were on the island before. I am really embarrassed, not knowing that these events were taking place in my own backyard, for shame on us all, the so called happy people of the Caribbean!!

Good Water Is Hard To Come By

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Evolution Of Man To Animals Again

By Kerwin De Matas

I have been reading most of my posts recently, and I realized that maybe I might sound like a real do-gooder, guess what, I'm not!! Sometimes I can be a real jerk! But one thing this jerk has, it's a conscience... Being the Trinidadian that I am, I guess I cannot leave things as they are, some might even say that I should mind my damn business!

Don't Be A Litter Bug!

Fine, maybe I should, but how can I, when the shit that some people do daily, actually affect me also, hm? An example. I am driving with my wife to my mother-in-law's home, we are right behind this jeep, when we see sailing out of the jeep onto our windshield, a plastic bottle..You can bet your bottom dollar that I was at the side of that jeep like the jerk that I am, telling him just how stupid he was about his action!

Don't Let This Exist Only In Drawing...

Now this is only one example, what about all the rest, huh? People walking and spitting right where you have to walk, then the person that would be eating something and when finished, the wrapper would be thrown on the ground, I mean, the extra effort to look for a garbage bin, well , just forget it. The crap that I see every day, is just incredible. Maybe I just have to be the biggest idiot in town, that puts his wrappers in his pocket, bottles in my bag or in my hand until a bin can be found, hold my spit until I could find a bathroom or an out of the way bush, sometimes I even scare my self, where the hell did I learn all these things? Definitely not from my family.

Let's Do The Right Thing!

If I try jogging my memory, maybe I might say Sesame Street? The bottom line is where are we heading....Travelling on the bus or the subway, I have to admit, that I behave like a lowlife also; An old person would come on board, and sometimes after a hard day, I might put my head down hoping that the person would pass by, but in a way, I would feel relieved if they were to stop by my seat, which would mean, that my conscience queue would kick in!

Isn't It Obvious?

How many people would do the same thing, looking to see who would make the first move, and in some cases, just don't even bother with the conscience queues. Our good manners is something I guess we are all forgetting, and most of us just choose to ignore. We are really heading down instead of up, and we are taking the youngsters with us. Sad isn't it?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Let´s Talk About Jays..

By Kerwin De Matas

What a big let down! Why do most of us as human beings just like doing things in contrast to what we should be doing? I mean, we would be told to turn left then right, but we would just go right then left, why? Do we all have this rebellious streak within us, that just makes us want to do the complete opposite?

Crossing Against Red

All these questions came about when I was on my way to work one morning, and on exiting the subway, there are traffic lights just after you leave the entrance to cross the street. Try understanding this scene now while I tell it. The morning crowd on their way to work just building up, with the majority doing what I call the ' dodge ', while the rest of us that wants to live, just hang around until the lights change to green.

The Dodgers!

These lights, I have to admit, are a bit too long for my liking, but it doesn't excuse the daily behaviour of many pedestrians. What's the dodge?....Figure it out, while I explain a little bit of the layout of this main street. It's three lane traffic, has a fork shape and the lights are to the body of the fork with the traffic coming towards the body. Because of these lights taking their merry time to change, there are people who just take the chance of running across that road with the lights on red, and I mean parents with kids, street vendors, old people that can't even go more than one today,one tomorrow, the scene is just crazy. What an example we are eh?

This Is What Happens To Dodgers...

Then we wonder why so many people get run over in Santiago. Now this opinion, is not limited to Chile only. I have seen where ever I have been on my travels, people doing the same nonsense. Are we willing to risk our lives to get where we are going with such recklessness? Can the rush be so important? Time to get serious now, our kids, as well as adults that do not know about road safety, needs to be educated on this topic.

Let's Learn Prevention

Then those of us that do know about the risks and we just pretend to be stupid, wake-up, we have the younger ones watching! We have to be aware of the things that affect our lives, so that we can use the preventions in place to protect ourselves. If you have doubts on these preventions, look up my ' Excellent links 'for Wikipedia, which is my favorite, or simply use the wide open web! There is a saying that goes " Prevention is better that cure ", take care...No to Jay Walking!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Who´s Responsable?...

By Kerwin De Matas

After passing a very good weekend, how sad it was when I read the Trinidad Express from last week and saw an article that I found really disturbing. It was about a kid that was just out of control... Now I would be brief with his story, since I want to share my opinion with cases like these. This kid of seventeen years of age, was in his mothers' opinion; simply out of control, and she just could not cope with him anymore.

Trinidad Youth Training Center

He always wanted to pass all his time on the streets with friends, that were described as dangerous, getting himself in trouble all the time, etc. Finally when she could not manage him anymore, she voluntarily took him to the family courts so that they could place him in an institution called Y.T.C or the Youth Training Center.

An Inmate Of Y.T.C

Now this is a facility for kids that committed crimes, that's too much to send them to one of the other minor training facilities, but within the age range of a minor so that they would not be sent off to an adult prison facility. Anyway, he was sent their a couple of times before, until the very last, his mother took him back to the family courts to be sent back to Y.T.C again.

Kids And Crime

He begged her to forgive him, made so much promises to her, but she didn't buy them. He was in a holding cell when he asked her before she left, " mummy, are you leaving now? " When she answered yes he said that he would follow her too. She never understood what he meant. When she was leaving the courts a while later, she was called back and told that her son, hung himself with his shoe lacings.This mother just broke down, it was like she never understood what went wrong with her son. Her explanation for her actions, was that she thought that her son would be safer inside the institution, instead of being on the streets he loved.

The Famous American Solution.....

Now during that entire article, a father was never mentioned, apparently this lady was alone with her problems. Kids that fall into brackets like these, are almost always from broken homes. No one to really guide them to positive activities, to help build their self esteem. Now I know of two precise cases where persons from two dysfunctional homes, had their problems, did stupid stuff, never did drugs and managed to carry on with their lives as best as they could. Where I am going to is the following.

This Kid Is On His Own!

I think that kids should carry about themselves with a certain amount of responsibility also, to know of their actions and to try correcting them, unfortunately some kids never know when to stop! Coming back to the lady I was speaking about, surprisingly enough, a large part of the population sympathized with her on trying to help her kid as best as she knew how, what do you think?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

These Are Not Articles By Kerwin De Matas


The Jacakalantan is said to be a mysterious light that appears and attracts people, misleading the unwary into desolate areas far away from their intended destinations. And then vanishes.

**Jumbies **

Jumbies are mischievous or malevolent spirit or creature.

**La Diablesse **
La Diablesse (Lajables), the Devil Woman, roames at night. She has eyes like burning coals and a face resembling that of a corpse, but hides it under a beautiful wide-brimmed hat and a veil over her face. She is dressed exquisitely in a blouse with puffy sleeves and long, petticoated, skirts. She has one cloven foot, which she tries to hide under her long skirts. She turns up at village dances, where she is immediately disliked by the women present, but she utterly charms the men and then asks one of them to take her home. He follows her, totally under her spell. She leads him deep into the woods and then suddenly she disappears. Unable to find his way home, the poor fellow stumbles around in the dark wood until he either falls into a ravine or a river to his death or gets attacked by wild hogs.

Old people talk: If you feel you may encounter a La Diablesse on your way home, take off all your clothes, turn them inside out and put them on again, and this will surely protect you from a La Diablesse.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

This Is Not An Article By Kerwin De Matas
Gang Gang Sara

Gang Gang Sara (Tobago Folklore by Alice & Gerard Besson) - The legend of Gang Gang Sara, the African witch of Golden Lane, has its origins in the latter half of the 18Th century. On a stormy night she was blown from her home in Africa across the sea to Tobago and landed quite safely at the village of Les Coteaux. From there she journeyed to Golden Lane in search of her family who had long ago been transported there. She lived to a great age and is remembered for her wisdom and kindness. She became the loving wife of Tom, whom legend says she had known as a child in her native Africa. She lived to a great age and is remembered for her wisdom. After her Tom had died, wishing to return to her native land, she climbed a great silk cotton tree and tried to fly, not knowing that she had lost the art of flight as a result of having eaten salt. To this day the names of Tom and Sara can be seen inscribed upon the head stones of their graves where they have lain side by side for close upon two hundred years.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Tiki! Tiki! Tak!

Happy 18TH September!

By Kerwin De Matas.

Here I am! Preparing for the Chilean independence and festivities; the good times folks! Trinbagonians in Trinidad and Tobago or where ever you might be, I love my country, and everything about it, but like a true trini, a very good event would not be turned down...This is going to be my sixth independence here, and I just enjoy it more and more each year.

A Huaso ( Chilean Cowboy )

In these times in our world today, too many bad events are taking place, if it's not war, if it's not drugs, if it's not exploitation of kids...., too much pain, that's why we have to cherish the good things when they do come along. So the event for me now is in Chile. Where ever you go to celebrate the independence in this country, is something to look forward to, but for me, going to the south for the celebrations, is just awesome!

The Famous Cueca!

I am just fascinated by the Huaso culture in the south/central part of Chile. For me, I guess I had always liked the idea of being a cowboy when I was a kid, watching all those American western movies on T.V. But seeing it live, Chilean style, it's even better. How they always move about all year round on horses, the local wide brimmed cowboy hat, the clothes they wear, they even wear spurs!

Empanadas, The Good Stuff!

Now the food, wow, let's talk about the food man. They have something that's called ' Anticucho ', it's a variety of meats served on a thin single metal prong with a wooden handle to the end.

Preparing Anticuchos

Barbecue of whole animals ( sorry! ) just makes the atmosphere even more festive with the delicious aromas, everyone dancing the local dance called ' Cueca ', and drinking a sweet local home made wine called ' chicha ' from the horns of bulls called the ' cacho '! Now that's what I call Huaso!

Las Fondas

Don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy these celebrations so much, that I just had to learn the Cueca ( I dance very well too! ), and I also drink chicha like a real huaso with ' agua diente '( only missing the horse now..). Just maintaining the trini reputation guys!! Don't worry I'm , hic, hic, okay...! Kudos to all the Chileans, and a very happy 18TH September!!

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