By Kerwin De Matas
I have been reading most of my posts recently, and I realized that maybe I might sound like a real do-gooder, guess what, I'm not!! Sometimes I can be a real jerk! But one thing this jerk has, it's a conscience... Being the Trinidadian that I am, I guess I cannot leave things as they are, some might even say that I should mind my damn business!

Fine, maybe I should, but how can I, when the shit that some people do daily, actually affect me also, hm? An example. I am driving with my wife to my mother-in-law's home, we are right behind this jeep, when we see sailing out of the jeep onto our windshield, a plastic bottle..You can bet your bottom dollar that I was at the side of that jeep like the jerk that I am, telling him just how stupid he was about his action!

Now this is only one example, what about all the rest, huh? People walking and spitting right where you have to walk, then the person that would be eating something and when finished, the wrapper would be thrown on the ground, I mean, the extra effort to look for a garbage bin, well , just forget it. The crap that I see every day, is just incredible. Maybe I just have to be the biggest idiot in town, that puts his wrappers in his pocket, bottles in my bag or in my hand until a bin can be found, hold my spit until I could find a bathroom or an out of the way bush, sometimes I even scare my self, where the hell did I learn all these things? Definitely not from my family.

If I try jogging my memory, maybe I might say Sesame Street? The bottom line is where are we heading....Travelling on the bus or the subway, I have to admit, that I behave like a lowlife also; An old person would come on board, and sometimes after a hard day, I might put my head down hoping that the person would pass by, but in a way, I would feel relieved if they were to stop by my seat, which would mean, that my conscience queue would kick in!

How many people would do the same thing, looking to see who would make the first move, and in some cases, just don't even bother with the conscience queues. Our good manners is something I guess we are all forgetting, and most of us just choose to ignore. We are really heading down instead of up, and we are taking the youngsters with us. Sad isn't it?
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