Tuesday, September 05, 2006


By Kerwin De Matas

By now everyone must have heard what happened to Steve Erwin. Of course, before starting, condolences to the family, an original Doolittle has gone. First of all, let me just say that this guy always scared the hell out of me with his crazy antics.

This was how I saw this guy...

Before he even went to Animal Planet, I have been watching his programs, I mean, this guy was always doing things that ordinary ( or sane people )wouldn't do. This khaki wearing dude, travelled all over the world with a dog he used to have as well as his wife, interacting with animals that were totally wild, but under his touch, they appeared tamed.

Steve Erwin with his newborn kid

If what he did all his life was honestly for media coverage and television ratings, or he was just being himself in an ambiance that was just his, I guess would just be up for speculation. All I know is that, this Tasmanian devil from Australia was an original Doolittle, that for now no one really wants to copy....They said that what he did in 2004 with his new born kid was outrageous, come again critics, he was not alone to blame, his wife was just as responsible for letting him go on with that stunt.

Half crock, half crazy!

Well, the legacy is over, no more crazy antics, no more daring escapades, no more of not wanting to see him do his stuff, but would look anyway, just to see what would happen. At least, if we didn't know before not to mess with the sting rays, now we know that we should not. So for the 'suggesters'that come up with our vacation routines, " go swimming with the sting rays in Grand Cayman ", I would say, no way Jose!!

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