Monday, October 23, 2006

Hey! Lighten Up!

By Kerwin De Matas

What makes people get along from the start, I mean, what makes people tick? For example, there was this friend of my wife's that she hasn´t seen in a long time. This lady was visiting from the south of Chile, and was to stay at our home for one night. Fine, we reached at the bus terminal to pick-up this lady, and I don´t know, there was just something that happened. Not being a professional in these things, I can´t give a name to what occurred, and why it occurred, it was totally weird. Of course, experiences like these has happened to me before, and again, I just could not explain why.

Am I?

There would be people that I like immediately from the first; then people that I would have to get to know better, but then eventually liking, or not; but then people, I just could not get the vibes with for some reason, at the very start! I just can´t explain. Why´s that? There was a time I thought I was really anti-social; could not, or would not talk to just anyone; staying away from groups when I was younger, because I felt like I just did not belong. So, that´s it, I thought that I was an unfriendly person, until I found out, I won´t say where, but I found out that I was not unfriendly, or anti-social, but was just timid...Great, means that I am normal, and that I don´t go around making friends that easily, but for those that are my friends, I do cherish their friendship. Alright, so I am timid... but that just does not explain why, when I meet some people for the first time, they just go against my grain. Coming back to my wife´s friend. She looked like she was a good person I guess, but the plans that my wife was making for us to go to the south on a visit at her home, well, I guess I don´t know, speaking for myself of course. Now, for me it´s incredible, that my wife and her friends, studied together years before, yet the contact between them is just awesome.

Something That We Should Learn At A Young Age?

For me, having friends like that would be fantastic, or no?... Don´t know the answer to that, after all, apart from my wife, I can pass all my time alone and enjoy it, how weird. I won´t say I am a loner, I can integrate a group now, and enjoy myself a lot, sometimes even being the center of attention. But, if I had the choice, I think I would just relax with my time off, being alone with my wife, or just by myself. Now, if someone reading my blog can explain to me, why is it that I am like how I am, I would really appreciate it. If I feel like one of nature´s freaks, hell no! I love life, and I appreciate the fact that there are people in it. Until I can find a proper explaination for my lack of enthusiam sometimes, in the social circle, I am just going to enjoy this life like I know how to...Have a good Monday!!

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