Monday, October 02, 2006

A Request To The Director.

To Those of you that read my article on the 19Th September, " Let's Talk About Jays ", This is exactly what I was Talking about. Here is a petition placed by one of my work colleagues, on this same issue of road safety. Thanks a lot Claudia for allowing me to place this in my blog, and thanks also Jorge and Paula, for helping to translate this article.

Crossing On Red

Estimado Senor Director,
Quiero denunciar esta situacion que se vive todos los dias a la salida del metro de Tobalaba. El peligro que corre la gente en la imprudencia al cruzar un semaforo en el paso zebra en la calle Nueva 11 de Septiembre con luz roja.

No encuentro que sea solamente culpa de los peatones sino la inconveniencia de la falta de tiempo para cruzar, lo estrecho del paso de peatones y el largo tiempo de la espera es un lugar con alta densidad de gente en los horarios de entradas y salidas de las oficinas.

Medi los tiempos de espera de luz verde y roja.

Son los siguientes: 1 minuto y 20seg para luz roja para los peatones, en la cual se juntan una cantidad considerable de personas, las cuales muchas Cruzan la calle en rojo como ve en la foto.

Still Waiting After A Minute....

Luz verde solo 20seg para los peatones, como vera en la foto no alcanza el tiempo para que cruce toda la gente!!!

Tambien es muy angosto el paso entre barrera y barrera,solo 3 mt aprox; entonces se produce una gran aglomeracion de gente.

Espero que usted me ayude a hacer efectivo esta denuncia y podamos lograr una mejor calidad de vida en nuestro caminar diario a nuestros trabajos.
Muchos saludos
Claudia Bello Plaza

" Mr Director, I want to denounce a situation that occurs everyday at the Tobalaba subway exit. It's Because of the imprudence of pedestrians when on the zebra crossing, on 11 de septiembre avenue, while traffic lights are on red. However, I don't think it's totally the pedestrian's fault. After checking the wait times between the green and red lights, the short timing was immediately observed while waiting to cross the street.
The timings are the following: Pedestrians are allowed 1 minute and 20 seconds for the red light, and only 20 seconds for the green light. As you can see, it's not enough time for everyone to cross the road.
On the other hand, there is a narrow pass way of only 3 meters approximately, where the pedestrians wait before going through, giving the scene the perfect hourglass effect.

Then Trying To Squeeze Between The Pass way

I hope you can put into action this petition, so that pedestrians could have a better and safer solution to and from their jobs on a daily basis. Have a good day, Claudia Bello Plaza".

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