By Kerwin De Matas
God help us!! The things we see in the news sometimes, are simply unbelievable. Have anyone seen or heard what's going on in the Congo? Child soldiers....Okay, so this item has been discussed over and over again, it happens in a lot of countries, UNICEF had been looking into it for years, but it's still going on, and more than ever even. They say that the Congo can be one of the most richest regions in Africa, because of the supposed diamond deposits that exists there.

But because of the ongoing conflict that's pestering the economic state of this region, poverty is a factor which is destroying the very fabric that this region was sewn from. Help on terminating this conflict looks really remote. As for the diamonds helping the economy, I don't know. But from what I read few years back in the News Week, the Russians are known to have a huge reserve of diamonds locked away very safely, acquired from their exploits in those same African and Asian territories in their glory days.

It is said that if they had to put the entire bulk of their diamond holdings on the international market, the price of diamonds can very well go down, not to the extent of being very cheap, but definitely, not at the prices they go at right now. Coming back to these child soldiers in the Congo, it's really grave. These kids are under going training like any other soldier, on intensive warfare, learning to kill to be exact.

To refer to them as cute, innocent kids, would be an understatement, since most of them are seasoned veterans in killing other human beings in cold blooded confrontations. Seeing an adult man or woman killed in combat is unsettling, but to see a kid, no matter what they have done, killed on the battle field, is simply a chilling experience I don't want to go through. Imagine a kid killed in this manner, could have been an adult some day, living the dream of following a normal career, having a family, living in a civilized society; Or if they were to continue living where they are in this moment, to just grow up into an adult soldier perhaps dying anyway...

I consider this a chilling reality that has to stop! Kids have the right all over to get a proper education, reach adulthood, then choosing a career they want to practice later on in life. Of course, child soldiers were used centuries before, in an undeveloped world, where there existed undeveloped civilizations. But as the world is developing now, we are in modern times, then why the hell in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, kids are still used for war. LEADERS, STOP IT, OPEN YOUR HEARTS, GET CIVILIZED AND JUST STOP IT!!

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