Well done Mr Bush...this what you wanted? World wide recognition to help you, and your crony sidekick, Mr Donald Rumsfeld, go up the political ladder, getting national acclaim while you are at it...Sheriff and deputy, what a beautiful couple you guys make, for making the biggest blunders, that is!! Take a good look, both of you. You want to glorify all your actions; You want to call the young men and women, that go across there and die, heroes; The thousands of " heroes " that died since this ridiculous war started, on both the U.S and Coalition sides, are simply astounding, sirs!

If not for the respect that I have for my friends and their kids, whom I know, read my blog, I would really use some really colourful vocabulary to describe you jerks. Everyone reads the news, sceptics always go on about the media making up half the stories on their tabloids...I hope to God those sceptics are right! Because the numbers are really scary, are you determined to continue sending kids across there, knowing full well that most of them might not come back? This war is becoming more and more like Vietnam every day sirs! The insurgents are recuperating, and organizing themselves much better in guerrilla warfare, idiots! Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that one, Mr President and side kick. It is all good and well to serve country with honor, but only if intelligent Intel can be gathered to avoid unnecessary slaughter

Study these guys and their way of fighting, look at their strategy...For crying out loud, you guys are supposed to have the best military minds at the Pentagon, what the hell is going on? So far, it looks like these guys are always a step ahead of the security forces, having connections that are just sophisticated among their own country men, to find time in mounting road side bombs, incredible. If a solution cannot be found to put an end to the insurgency in Iraq, I am seeing the drafting process coming back into full effect in the United States. Since it was the U.S that started this quagmire in the first place, of course it has to be them to solve it with all hands on deck, along with a lot of U.S tax dollars. Mr.Bush says that everything is under control, and soon the U.S would be out of there; Guess what Mr Bush, everyone agrees that you are full of bull***t!!

Look...Today, I had a totally different topic that I wanted to talk about, but on seeing CNN, I was just blocked, my mind went empty. There are a lot of professional writers and reporters, that cover these events as they happen, if they are affected by what they write, I don't know. But I think amateur writers, from what ever country they might be in, should write their displeasure on this war in Iraq, pressuring the Bush administration to correct this blunder, so that all this suffering on both sides would come to an end. Let's not have a Vietnam repeating here, please, it's just too much!
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