By Kerwin De Matas
What can be worse, dying by inhaling smoke in a fire, or being burnt alive? Those are questions, that are in my opinion, better left unanswered. These questions came about after watching the news this morning, about a nine year old, may he rest in peace, dying in a fire that engulfed his home. It's disturbing to see too much of these cases now, of kids, old people, people that can't help themselves etc, dying in fires. Prevention of these cases should be taught on a national level.

Simple evacuation techniques for the home, as well as the work place should be stressed upon. Working on the cruise line, we slept, awoke to, ate in, an environment saturated in security. Each crew member became part of a sophisticated emergency plan that is devised on each ship. I don't know about the other cruisline companies, but I was really impressed during the eight years I worked for RCI, and the continuous drills that we had to go through for crew and passenger/guest evacuation. After leaving that job to lead a more or less, normal life, what I noticed was really frightening.

Hardly anyone worries about these drills in the work place or at home. At my home, my wife and I have developed a very simple evacuation process in the case of an earthquake, fire or flood, which we have stuck to the side of the refrigerator, and we have also installed an extinguisher in our home. How hard was that? Now where I work, we have a drill that is practiced annually, and of cause with new employees that might have entered the company, they would have to be taken practically by the hands through this procedure.

Well, looking on the bright side, I would say that, our building at least goes through this drill, how many businesses or apartment buildings in Santiago, would even practice these techniques? Not many I'm afraid, I don't want to be negative, but we are talking heavy casualties in the case of an emergency. So awareness needs to be practiced for our own good, and I'm being very serious when I make this statement. Pay attention now; From the drills that I have been through, it can get really scary if a plan is not in place, or not followed if there is one. In the case of fire for example, believe me, you won't be able to see nothing, and it's incredible how fast smoke would accumulate in an area where there is no escape for the smoke to go out.

Then if you use your head and decide to go close to the ground where there is a little bit more air to breathe, what's up if you work in a building and they don't have proper lighting signals on the walls close to the floors, indicating the escape route? Problems!! This is only a small example of a real life situation, I know no one would want to be in a situation like that, but then, one never knows. That's why it is important to be prepared always! Heads up, bye.
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