I got a call this morning at 03:00 a.m, " Kerwin, you are a grand father! ", what!! It was my 17 old brother-in-law, calling me to tell me that my cocker spanial had seven puppies. Okay, so I couldn't go back to sleep immediately, thinking about my little girl and her pups...My day was totally made by this good news. Still it was really curious how my spaniel,( a real spoiled brat! )took up the responsibility immediately of caring for her new born pups like a seasoned mother. Incredible, that this dog never had pups before, but on having her batch this morning, the natural instinct kicked in on how she should care for them. Where did this spoiled brat learn how to detach the umbilical cord from the bodies of her pups, and on how to clean them carefully with out hurting them, is totally beyond me. The entire thing was just beautiful for me.

It's only sad though, that there are many human mothers that just don't have this instinct on caring for their own kids. How can it be that some women get pregnant, sometimes by not being careful; regret what happened; would try to abort; or for other reasons have the kid, but then the nightmare in most cases has just begun for an innocent kid that had fought so much to come into this world. Where is the natural love and care that is supposed to be there, from the time a woman's pregnancy is known? Doesn't these women feel the instinct to care for their kids, protect them, clean them, educate them etc? Sometimes I really wonder whose smarter when it comes to kids; The animals, or us humans. When I think how much we all fought to come into this world, it cannot be denied that we are all fighters. Each one of us were a single sperm among thousands, in a race to reach to the embryo, and then the difficult task of trying to puncture it in getting in. The sperm that finally gets in, has won the right to mature into a fetus, and then later on to be born.

That would make every baby a winner, and not a loser. So then why the disappointments later on in life? Simple. It simply depends on how that baby was educated, and in what conditions that baby grew up in. Why can't most of us try learning from our own ordeals to survive before birth, and appreciate ourselves much more than we do now, and then appreciate our kids for the ordeals they went through before their births etc. Morals need to be instilled in society again, we all need to educate ourselves before we can educate our kids. I think if we don't try correcting our errors in this aspect, a lot of nonsense that we as adults do every day, and then being copied by our kids, is just going to be our demise. Wake up, and let's love ourselves and our family more.
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