Thursday, January 04, 2007

Catholic Priests In Trouble...

By Kerwin De Matas

As I said before, and I will say it again, I am not here to condemn no one's religion, but this I have to talk about. I was born a Catholic, most of my family are. But later on in life, I decided that I didn't want to be a catholic no more, why? It's better if I didn't say, in my case nothing lewd of course, just that I was disappointed in the hypocritical teachings that's all. What I want to talk about though is the rise in sexual abuse from our holy brothers, the Catholic priests!! How many reports are finally coming to light about our holy brothers, breaking their vows and succumbing to our human sins.

They Have Done It Again...

Now it's very obvious, that this news is nothing new, and it's a well known fact that this has been going on for centuries. But the Catholic church being ever power full, has covered up these happenings and just sent off their fellow brothers for treatment in the name of mental illness. Now in my opinion, any religion that would practice chastity among women or men in the name of holy cleansing, would just be waiting for the bomb explode. Come on, we are all human beings here! A person can suppress their yearnings until a certain point, after that, if satisfaction cannot be met, then things can get out of hand. First of all, I would not justify the acts of a priest getting his hard-on on a helpless kid from his congregation, or worst, from the countless orphanages in the hands of the Catholic church.

Changes Are Due

If a holy brother ( or sister ) feels that he/she cannot hold the urge anymore and that they want to do the wild thing, then they should renounce their vows and live as normal people. Nothing is wrong at all if a human being wants sexual satisfaction, but by normal means of course!! " Normal means " for me signifies adult with adult, not adult with child!! If being denied sexual pleasure for so long, would transform a human being to animal, then that person would need treatment, or if in his/her normal mind, then jail... Look, if anyone thinks that the Catholic church would change their views on chastity, then dream on!! Young men would just have to hold it inside, until they can't no mo'. A word to the Catholic church, WE ARE IN THE 21ST CENTURY MAN, WAKE UP!!

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