Thursday, September 14, 2006

Cannabis Anyone?

By Kerwin De Matas

On my way home from work one day, I saw a group of kids in a little public plaza not too far from where I live, around 7:30pm in the afternoon, smoking marijuana without a care in the world. I would guess, that they were no more than 14 to 17 years of age.

Teenage Marijuana Abuse

What do you think about that, where were their parents? Very well, I'm not going to say that I was shocked or anything like that, but I would comment though, that these kids didn't have a clue as to what they were doing or where their lives would lead them, since no one was there to guide them. They were simply copying what they have seen an older generation doing, and forming what they thought were their juvenile ideals.

Abuse To The Brain!

Before I go on, I only want anyone that might be reading this article to understand that I do not support drugs of any sort, but today, I want to talk about a plant called, the cannabis. Because of constant abuse of this plant, unfortunately, in our society today it has become a very dangerous drug..

Variety Of Marijuana Pipes...

This plant has been in our societies for centuries, it's nothing new. It has been used in many cultures as far back as early man, until discoveries and claims were made by many historians today, that even early Cristian, Jewish and Muslim cultures,also used the cannabis! Now, these cultures many centuries before, used this plant for many of their religious and medicinal purposes.

Used In Very Old Cultures

These traditions continued, until it was discovered by western societies, changing this herb radically, well into the 20Th century, into something that has become simply illicit! For all those youngsters that want to be rastas, listen to me. I am from the islands, we have the Rastafarian movement where I come from. I am speaking for myself, when I say, that I have learnt to respect everyone, their religion and their culture, where I come from.

Rastafarian movement

I would say that all those kids ( and adults ) that call themselves rastas and smoke cannabis ( spliff, weed, marijuana, what ever you want to call it..) to prove their status, let me just say that this behaviour is a total disrespect to those people of the Rastafarian movement and to any other culture that still uses this herb for their purposes. Stop it! Don't be stupid and abuse something you don't have any idea about, you are just messing up your life and the lives of people that do until now, use this herb for their religious and medicinal purposes.

Cultivated Cannabis

If kids want to do things that are radical, then they should try educating themselves first, and then, use that education to put their radical ideas to work for the betterment of themselves and for others. Don't mess with drugs, and leave the cannabis alone!

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