By Kerwin De Matas
An African Family
Family, I should be the last one to try explaining the term. Saying I came from a dysfunctional family would be overstating a little bit. But after the aunt of my father died, I guess whatever contact I had with the term also died. The perfect family....keep on searching, because that is a myth! Very well, the family that I had weren´t the brady bunch, but they were all I had. Then I met my Chilean wife. In stopping this from being a book and coming to the point, she said," let´s go live in Chile". Chile? Where is Chile? Isn´t that a communist country? Doesn´t a guy named Pinochet live there?
A financial district in Santiago Chile
Fine, I was a little bit nervous about the idea, but what the heck, I´d give it a try.
Regrets were never known. I love it!! Chile, a thin strip of country that would never cease to exist in this wild but beautiful andean territory, the famous Easter island, the fantastic 18th of September independence festivities, the world famous festival de ViƱa,... but what really caught my attention was the family. Generally, the devotion was obvious. Just imagen one family inviting another family to their home for a barbecue, everyone present with their kids, grand kids, sons and daughters with their partners, I mean, everyone related someway or the other.
Volcan Osorno Chile
Beer, pisco, rum in my favour, no, drinks weren´t ever a problem(of course, it wasn´t a drinking party either!) but the atmosphere being very warm, lots of good companionship all over, and the greatest part being, it was all genuine. I know, and I remember the time I felt like that before my father´s aunt died.
An American family
In Trinidad and Tobago, even though we are going through rough times with the crime problem, mothers and fathers leaving their kids behind for someone else to take care of, while they try to make a decent living, outside of the twin island state, (some never returning) we need to try and get back or maintain our family values. Living here has taught me how to want, maintain and appreciate these little family values. This won´t make me a brady bunch member, but it sure can help me to be happy with what I´ve got. Think about this and have a good day.
This is a site that would touch ground on what goes on in the mind of the author of this page.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
What's The Difference!!
By Kerwin De Matas
I got a call this morning at 03:00 a.m, " Kerwin, you are a grand father! ", what!! It was my 17 old brother-in-law, calling me to tell me that my cocker spanial had seven puppies. Okay, so I couldn't go back to sleep immediately, thinking about my little girl and her pups...My day was totally made by this good news. Still it was really curious how my spaniel,( a real spoiled brat! )took up the responsibility immediately of caring for her new born pups like a seasoned mother. Incredible, that this dog never had pups before, but on having her batch this morning, the natural instinct kicked in on how she should care for them. Where did this spoiled brat learn how to detach the umbilical cord from the bodies of her pups, and on how to clean them carefully with out hurting them, is totally beyond me. The entire thing was just beautiful for me.
We Need To Get Our Families Back
It's only sad though, that there are many human mothers that just don't have this instinct on caring for their own kids. How can it be that some women get pregnant, sometimes by not being careful; regret what happened; would try to abort; or for other reasons have the kid, but then the nightmare in most cases has just begun for an innocent kid that had fought so much to come into this world. Where is the natural love and care that is supposed to be there, from the time a woman's pregnancy is known? Doesn't these women feel the instinct to care for their kids, protect them, clean them, educate them etc? Sometimes I really wonder whose smarter when it comes to kids; The animals, or us humans. When I think how much we all fought to come into this world, it cannot be denied that we are all fighters. Each one of us were a single sperm among thousands, in a race to reach to the embryo, and then the difficult task of trying to puncture it in getting in. The sperm that finally gets in, has won the right to mature into a fetus, and then later on to be born.
This Baby Fought For The Right To Live!
That would make every baby a winner, and not a loser. So then why the disappointments later on in life? Simple. It simply depends on how that baby was educated, and in what conditions that baby grew up in. Why can't most of us try learning from our own ordeals to survive before birth, and appreciate ourselves much more than we do now, and then appreciate our kids for the ordeals they went through before their births etc. Morals need to be instilled in society again, we all need to educate ourselves before we can educate our kids. I think if we don't try correcting our errors in this aspect, a lot of nonsense that we as adults do every day, and then being copied by our kids, is just going to be our demise. Wake up, and let's love ourselves and our family more.
I got a call this morning at 03:00 a.m, " Kerwin, you are a grand father! ", what!! It was my 17 old brother-in-law, calling me to tell me that my cocker spanial had seven puppies. Okay, so I couldn't go back to sleep immediately, thinking about my little girl and her pups...My day was totally made by this good news. Still it was really curious how my spaniel,( a real spoiled brat! )took up the responsibility immediately of caring for her new born pups like a seasoned mother. Incredible, that this dog never had pups before, but on having her batch this morning, the natural instinct kicked in on how she should care for them. Where did this spoiled brat learn how to detach the umbilical cord from the bodies of her pups, and on how to clean them carefully with out hurting them, is totally beyond me. The entire thing was just beautiful for me.
We Need To Get Our Families Back
It's only sad though, that there are many human mothers that just don't have this instinct on caring for their own kids. How can it be that some women get pregnant, sometimes by not being careful; regret what happened; would try to abort; or for other reasons have the kid, but then the nightmare in most cases has just begun for an innocent kid that had fought so much to come into this world. Where is the natural love and care that is supposed to be there, from the time a woman's pregnancy is known? Doesn't these women feel the instinct to care for their kids, protect them, clean them, educate them etc? Sometimes I really wonder whose smarter when it comes to kids; The animals, or us humans. When I think how much we all fought to come into this world, it cannot be denied that we are all fighters. Each one of us were a single sperm among thousands, in a race to reach to the embryo, and then the difficult task of trying to puncture it in getting in. The sperm that finally gets in, has won the right to mature into a fetus, and then later on to be born.
This Baby Fought For The Right To Live!
That would make every baby a winner, and not a loser. So then why the disappointments later on in life? Simple. It simply depends on how that baby was educated, and in what conditions that baby grew up in. Why can't most of us try learning from our own ordeals to survive before birth, and appreciate ourselves much more than we do now, and then appreciate our kids for the ordeals they went through before their births etc. Morals need to be instilled in society again, we all need to educate ourselves before we can educate our kids. I think if we don't try correcting our errors in this aspect, a lot of nonsense that we as adults do every day, and then being copied by our kids, is just going to be our demise. Wake up, and let's love ourselves and our family more.
Monday, November 27, 2006
It's Going To Happen!!
By Kerwin De Matas
I'm not kidding, I am so nervous today. My wife is at the clinic ready to give birth to our son. Ladies and gentlemen, today I am going to be really short on what I am going to say. Today, little me, is going to be born!! How is he going to be...I couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about everything about this kid. Would he be like me, or like his mother...What is it going to be like to actually grow up with a kid that's my flesh and blood. A newcomer to the family, wow...Hopefully I am going to grow up now and be a little bit more mature....or not! His room is all prepared ( decorated it my self ). Last night I decided to put up the christmas tree, since it is close to christmas time anyway, and also to have everything ready for his first christmas.
A True Gift From God!
He is a lucky kid, I'll tell you that. This boy is going to have his very first christmas, as well as his very first new year, all at the same time. I hope this means something. I am at work now, but I hope to be at the clinic for the delivery, I would try my best, because I really want to be there. My God, I still can't believe it, I am going to be a father again, and this time, I am going to do it right. If my first son is reading this, I just want him to know that, as a father I failed him, and I know that all the time that I lost with him, for me would be my wish to make it all up again. It's not going to be easy I know, but, I really would do all that I can do to not leave my first son out.
To Make Right...
So I have a lot of corrections to correct, and a lot of mistakes to learn from, in rearing my new baby boy. Thank you god very much for giving me another chance at being a father, and I promise that I would do my very best at being a very good father to both boys. For everyone reading my blog today, wish me a lot of luck, because I am going to need it, from here onwards is where my life is supposed to change, hopefully for the good, have a good day every one, bye.
Friday, November 24, 2006
" Get Up, Stand Up!! "
By Kerwin De Matas
STAND STRONG!! For us new joiners in Delta, I say we should be positive, and be ready for when everything works out for this carrier. Who does US Airways think they are?! Okay, so we are in a vulnerable situation right now, our fate is in the hands of our creditors, they have the final word. But we can show them that we are determined to come forward as a stand alone airline, with a strong plan to improve our air crafts, service, and destination options. We must show our creditors, as well as the Judges, that we are prepared to emerge from chapter eleven much stronger than we when we went in.
They Ruffled Our Feathers!
All those numbers and promises that US Airways are throwing at our creditors and judges, are just that, numbers and promises. It's ironic that, the pilots union which was almost a cause for our downfall last year, might be the one who would come to our rescue in this crucial moment against US Airways. I know everything is purely business, American style, and that maybe it is not personal. But from what I have seen in the VRT program, the majority of Delta employees are not business people. They are simply, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters etc... All of them suffered one way or the other, during the bankruptcy process, but yet still dedicated people, that just wants this company to continue as a stand alone carrier, and to maintain Delta culture as they know it.
Up In Your Face!!
US Airways, is really desperate for some reason or the other, with this bluffing plan of theirs, putting it forward to their employees and our creditors, that "Delta's stand-alone plan — no matter how good it may be — cannot possibly offer an expanded route network, more destinations and a better frequent flier program ". They pretty much have our future decided for us, simply put, that no matter how fool proof our emergence plan is, we just can not make it alone.
Where Ever You Look...
Well this is what I have to say to them. I and many others, joined this company knowing that it was heading for chapter eleven, we have been through a lot of scares and sacrifices during this period, but we always came out stronger each time. So, if they think, that we are going to give up very easily, and give up all our hard work to them on a silver platter... They better think again, because now they would have to develop a plan, just to keep us Delta employees away, so that they can go through with their project!!
There We Are!!
Man, let me tell you, it's better if US Airways were to take that $8.8 billion, that THEY want to use for THEIR merger plan, and try to better THIER carrier. Because when Delta Airlines emerges into the market again at full trottle, US Airways would just have to run back into chapter eleven, for not preparing themselves for our comeback!! So colleagues, KEEP YOUR HEADS UP!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Take It, Or Leave It!
By Kerwin De Matas
Public transport...Most of the times, this can be the worst alternative to get around, but you know what? As much as I don't want to admit it, it is very necessary. I think though, that they can be a little bit more understanding towards people who depend on it to get around. Look, I won't go to work in my car for two reasons. One being that the gas prices are sky-rocketing, to ridiculous levels, and two, to get a parking spot is simply a joke, and I would have to pay to park for the day, forget that, I am on a budget man! So I depend on public transportation to get to work. It's incredible that, this morning on my way to work ( I started at 10:0 a.m ), I reached at the subway station at my normal time of 09:00 a.m, because I don't like rushing about.
The Metro System Is Impressive, But When It Stalls,It's A Pain!
What would happen on this particular morning of all mornings, but the train being delayed for half an hour! @#$%&*! Alright, I feel a little better. But you see what I mean? Everyone that had to get to their jobs at certain times, well forget about it, who cares, the subway sure doesn't, they made extra money from us during the peak hours, but we got off-peak service, cool huh? That's the mentality unfortunately, we depend on them, so just take it or leave it...Enough about those jerks, because I sure don't have money to sue their asses, so I just got screwed like everyone else man. Let's look at the other alternatives of public transport in our city. The famous ' Micro Amarillo '( Yellow bus ).
Don't Like These Buses At All!
I for one don't like travelling in those monstrosities, and I avoid them when ever I could. These buses are filthy, most of the drivers are rude, they drive like lunatics, and they are a criminal's ride for easy victims, when it comes to robbery. So, the government came up with the brilliant scheme called ' Trans Santiago '. Supposedly, this new system, which would start the circulation of buses that are technologically more advanced, with security systems to control the speed of these buses, apparently more cleaner, less cramped, with a little bit of control also against robbery etc.
The Plan Called ' Trans Santiago '
Sounds good when you talk about it, but when you think of the reality, I think that I could do stand up comedy with this! First of all, even with these beautiful buses that they have introduced, the system is the same, the entire bus system still belongs to all the different bus companies in Santiago. Meaning, that some of them are sticking to the plan, whilst the rest just don't give a damn, and seems like none of the government agencies care to revise them either. So we are back to the free for all! The funniest thing is that, even though we have these new buses circulating, Tran Santiago is not even officially inaugurated yet...So to see some of these buses and the condition that they are in right now, is simply one more joke to tell. Public transportation, I can't stand it, but, it is necessary....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Be Prepared!
By Kerwin De Matas
What can be worse, dying by inhaling smoke in a fire, or being burnt alive? Those are questions, that are in my opinion, better left unanswered. These questions came about after watching the news this morning, about a nine year old, may he rest in peace, dying in a fire that engulfed his home. It's disturbing to see too much of these cases now, of kids, old people, people that can't help themselves etc, dying in fires. Prevention of these cases should be taught on a national level.
Evacuation Maps Should Always Be Placed In Areas People Occupy
Simple evacuation techniques for the home, as well as the work place should be stressed upon. Working on the cruise line, we slept, awoke to, ate in, an environment saturated in security. Each crew member became part of a sophisticated emergency plan that is devised on each ship. I don't know about the other cruisline companies, but I was really impressed during the eight years I worked for RCI, and the continuous drills that we had to go through for crew and passenger/guest evacuation. After leaving that job to lead a more or less, normal life, what I noticed was really frightening.
Procedures Should Be Practiced
Hardly anyone worries about these drills in the work place or at home. At my home, my wife and I have developed a very simple evacuation process in the case of an earthquake, fire or flood, which we have stuck to the side of the refrigerator, and we have also installed an extinguisher in our home. How hard was that? Now where I work, we have a drill that is practiced annually, and of cause with new employees that might have entered the company, they would have to be taken practically by the hands through this procedure.
Maritime Drills
Well, looking on the bright side, I would say that, our building at least goes through this drill, how many businesses or apartment buildings in Santiago, would even practice these techniques? Not many I'm afraid, I don't want to be negative, but we are talking heavy casualties in the case of an emergency. So awareness needs to be practiced for our own good, and I'm being very serious when I make this statement. Pay attention now; From the drills that I have been through, it can get really scary if a plan is not in place, or not followed if there is one. In the case of fire for example, believe me, you won't be able to see nothing, and it's incredible how fast smoke would accumulate in an area where there is no escape for the smoke to go out.
Casualties Could Be Prevented
Then if you use your head and decide to go close to the ground where there is a little bit more air to breathe, what's up if you work in a building and they don't have proper lighting signals on the walls close to the floors, indicating the escape route? Problems!! This is only a small example of a real life situation, I know no one would want to be in a situation like that, but then, one never knows. That's why it is important to be prepared always! Heads up, bye.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Stubborn People...
By Kerwin De Matas
Us Human beings, can really be weird, huh? How many slogans we see everyday, about saying no to drugs, don't talk to strangers, don't drink and drive etc. We would see all these slogans, yet we would do those things anyway. Stubborn, that's what we are. I drink, not to the extent to be an alcoholic, but in social gatherings, enough to leave me dizzy the next morning. It's okay to say, " yes, I can hold my liquor ", but is it really necessary to prove to everyone, that you can still, with so much alcohol inside you, drive without any problems? Just give over the keys man!!
That wouldn't be wise, but it's done anyway, guess peoples' not afraid to die... Look, if we are supposed to be an example to our kids, then I say we do it well or bust! I my self am too stubborn. I know that I can drink, ( I´m in this moment with a great hangover!) but when it is time to drive, instead of giving over the keys, I prefer to do it my self. That has to stop! Because not only is it very stupid and irresponsible, but it could mean that my kid can grow up without one of his parents. Definitely, we need to practice what we preach. A lot of people, including myself, would go on about what is correct and what is not, but when it comes down to doing it, it's a different story. I enjoy writing about things that happen around us, maybe I write so that I won't make the same mistakes, and if I had done something that was not appropriate, to not do it again. Does it work? Not always...It's like we need to put an extra effort to do what's right.
Addiction Comes In Many Forms..
I guess we are all like drug addicts, doesn't mean we have to take drugs to be an addict, but simply put, ' We are very interested in doing something and spend a lot of time doing it. 'An addict would never admit that they are addicted. People would continue doing what is wrong, and won't admit that they are wrong. A try would be made to do the right thing, but for most people, it just wears off, we go right back to where we started, that's maybe humankind's biggest fault, the will to do the right thing. I am not going to preach, but if each of us can be responsible, and try looking into ourselves, and admit to ourselves, that we are stubborn. Who knows, if we try paying attention to those slogans, and follow their advice, maybe it won't hurt as much, as if we didn't!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Totally Crazy!!
By Kerwin De Matas
Sometimes I wonder, if as a society, we are getting sicker! I saw a program on the 15Th of November, about Chilean criminals and their crimes, that simply left me with my mouth opened brother. My wife and I are preparing for our first kid, and we just can't wait. I mean, we are going all over the place, seeing things and buying them for our unborn child. It is really exciting right now. That's why, this program that I saw, just didn't make any sense to me at all. It's being proven daily, that most of the urban criminals, are always on the fast track when it comes to doing their crimes; Whereas our rural neighbors, with so much time on their hands, are doing things that are just unimaginable, simply an unbelievable statistic!
The Statistics Are Getting Higher
Alright, lets get down to the subject now. This episode was about a common-law couple that lived out in the country side, with the female companion having a daughter before meeting her male companion. They lived in very small dwellings, that forced them to be up in each others' faces every living day. The daughter of the female companion was in her teens, and slept in the same bedroom as the common-law couple. Of course it's not really nice to jump to conclusions, but if I am relating what happened on a criminal documentary, then it shouldn't be hard to imagine what happened after...Okay, so I'll spell it out for y'all. The dirty step-father, began interfering with this teenager when she was home alone with him, and of course, because of fear, the girl said absolutely nothing to no one. Apparently, the mother had a history of terrible eye sight, and couldn't really see what was happening with her daughter, didn't even suspect a thing. Don't know, but I couldn't understand how this mother would have her ' Gal pickney ' dress and undress with her male companion around! Fine, so this gentleman got his thing on with this little girl for a long time.
Pay Attention When Kids Draw Like This
They say that there are women that can conceive much more faster than other women, and women that can have a much faster delivery than other women.
Well, this young lady fell into the category of very lucky. Meaning that she fell into the first two statistics. Hope everyone is following so far. Evidently she had her first kid at fourteen, and they kept the baby, with the story of her being raped by someone out of the village. But then, what happened after that? This young lady continued with this monster, having babies, no one suspecting nothing during the years following her various pregnancies...Apparently, everyone in that village had terrible eye sight!! What happened to the babies...Hope no one has weak stomachs for what you are about to read.
This couple, young lady with step-father, coordinated plans for the birth of their babies, in a way that was simply cold, but really cold...When the pains came on, the young lady would wait at the planned rendezvous, the step-father would come by, help her with the delivery, kill the baby when it came out, and then get rid of it at the planned spot of disposal....Repulsive!! This was their love affair, with the birth of seven or eight babies in total, sickening, isn't it?
Sexual Abuse Can Affect Entire Families
Imagine my surprise, when I thought that this was the end to the drama, what followed next was the cherry to the topping. Looks like young lady, eventually got bored with monster and fell for new young lover. Of course, monster got jealous, because he couldn't stand the idea of her being with anyone else, so he decided revenge. Being of limited education, the only thing simpleton could have thought about, was to turn himself and young lady in to the law, so that his young lover won't be able to continue her relationship with new lover...revenge, huh? You know what is the most saddest part of this sordid affair? That a young's girl innocence was taken away, her mother was not attentive in the beginning, the young girl eventually becoming an accomplice to this repulsive relationship, and the loss of life of seven or eight innocent babies that were conceived in a really dirty manner and then thrown away like trash!! The monster and this young lady, are today walking free, because of the lack of proper court proceedings against them. It's totally remarkable in this particular case, in that, absolutely no one noticed during all those years, the pregnancy or the relationship between this couple. I'm sorry, but I can't go on, totally disgusting.....
Friday, November 17, 2006
Pain In Our Homes...
By Kerwin De Matas
It's incredible that one is never too old to learn new things. There was a conversation that my friends and I were having, and it was about domestic violence. I always knew domestic violence, as one family member, beating up on another family member, in a very brutal way. It got quite interesting though, when I did some research in Wikipedia and found out about the different types of domestic violence. The information was a total surprise for me, especially when I have seen all those things before, and never knew that they were illegal.
A Serious Ill In Society...
So we all know that domestic violence, intimate partner violence (IPV)is when there is brutal physical contact between a man and a woman in the same house hold, and that it is illegal, correct? But did everyone know that, apart from physical abuse and murder, domestic violence can also be, intimidating some one, rape ( when there is no consent, even if married, or dating ), not permitting a partner against his/her will to see other family members, friends etc, verbal threats, verbal violence, violent gestures, like raising the hands for example, as if to lash out.
Only The Actions Are Hurtful!
These, more or less are the major points, listed as domestic abuse. What do you think about that? These are actions, I am very sure that most of us saw on a daily basis, but never took it upon ourselves to report them, because we never knew, never cared, or in some countries, these actions do not count as a crime. Definitely, interest needs to be put into these cases, because in the long run, most of the kids in these affected families, end up in violent relationships, as well as doing the same things when they themselves get older.
Men Are Also Victims
Society really needs to be educated on domestic violence, because like I said, most of us never knew. How many people affected by this illness, go through life with low self esteem, pshycologically affected, sometimes, mentally......But educating on this subject is not enough, if the laws don't condemn perpetrators, men, and women alike, for making life a living hell for the other, then we wouldn't get any where.
This Is Illegal!!
I would really suggest for anyone wanting to know more on this subject, to go to my " ' excellent ' Education Links ", look for the Wikipedia, and try educating your self on domestic violence. This problem is becoming really severe now, and we need to learn how to recognize it, just in case sometimes we might be doing the same things, but never knew, or we chose to ignore. Let's get our acts together, and treat our families in the best way, as they deserve.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
By Kerwin De Matas
Like the Chileans say, " Que no muere nunca! "( Don´t ever die! ). The same goes to my country, Trinidad and Tobago. I love my country like crazy, but sometimes, I wonder if the police service can continue towards their path of total stupidity, without even trying to brake! On the 14Th of November, I saw an article about a suspected criminal involved in a murder of a German national, in Trinidad. Okay, so they managed to agree that the crime was done in Trinidad ( I hope they didn't hurt themselves with that brain storm...), now to positively identify the suspects, that's where the comedy starts!
Until They Get Their Act Together, I don't Think So!
Those guys started doing their sketches, according to descriptions brought forward by witnesses. I don't know where the hell those guys learned to draw, but even kids at a kinder-garden, show more imagination when it comes to sketches.
Being serious now, these professionals in our police service, could have done a much better job on this sketch, which appeared in the local news paper. It really, was a crying shame. Then, on top of that, the judge ruled the sketch out as not bearing the slightest resemblance to the suspect, and of course, lack of proper evidence just threw the case out of the window, until the police could come around with more concrete evidence to actually implicate the suspect/s. There you have it, because of a case that was handled badly, these criminals get to walk, what's going to happen if they manage to leave the country? Simple; a manhunt would begin, criminals can't be found, and maybe the case would just be brushed under the carpet...just love it!
The Service Has To gain Our Trust Again...
How many botched up police work, would be kicked out of the courts, before the police chief gets up and straighten out his service. Don't they feel embarrassed every time they go to court ill prepared, with the judge just having a field day with them, because of their stupidity? Dumb cops! Attention really needs to be put in place when it comes to putting criminals behind bars. Because, with the new barrage of laws protecting criminals in the courts, protecting their rights while under investigation, the police service need to be alert in the way they go about their investigations.
Our Distinguished Police Commissioner, Mr Trevor Paul.
Every time a case gets botched up, it means a criminal goes back on the streets, possibly to lie low until things cool down, or to harass and/or hurt witnesses and victims that were responsible for them being investigated in the first place. Is that the pay for helping the law put away criminals? No wonder, no one wants to be cooperative in police investigations, even if it means a promise of help. Either the personnel of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, are really and hopelessly stupid, or they are deliberately botching up these cases, for other reasons ( police corruption?...). What ever the reason, it's just a question of Mr Trevor Paul, doing an overhaul of the police service to root out the incompetents. Have a good day!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
A Little Understanding?
By Kerwin De Matas
It's not funny anymore you know... Like most kids, we always found the kid with allergies, the wimp of our class. We never knew how much that kid would be suffering..we only saw the wimp of the class with all his allergy paraphernalia, to help him with the next asthma attack, if we only knew...if I, only knew then, then I don't think I would have been such a jerk! Now I am a grown man, with so much allergies, that I think the pharmacies are happy when I walk through their doors. For me it was never easy to understand, why some kids had to walk around with so much medicine in their school bags, for ailments that appeared no more than coughs, sneezes, constant headaches, etc.
Happens To The Best Of Us!
Sometimes I remember when I felt bad at school, I would never tell my mother, scared that she would first of all, take me to a doctor, I hated doctors...Those people really gave me the creeps. Then the next scare, that maybe the doc' would diagnose me with some crazy as hell ailment that would require me to walk around with a bag of medicine also! Didn't want that, so I held out and just tried getting better by playing cricket or a little football, anything that would help me to sweat, so that this thing would go away. I realize now that maybe I was a little bit paranoid, and because of all those years of ' holding out ', the aches are strongly felt now, stupid kid! Peer pressure can be a heck of a thing you know, it just wasn't cool where I came from to be the sickly kid. That kid would be heckled, left out of the group, it's incredible how cruel some kids can be. So there you have it, a kid just couldn't cut it, if he was sick. ( You noticed I said he, right? ) Boy kids certainly think different, whereas girls are simply extraordinary, they are much more mature!
These Kids Can Be As Strong As Any Other
Okay, so now I am so allergic, that if I stop taking the medicine diagnosed to me, I would be a total wreck. If it gets a little bit chilly, we're talking fevers; Try doing my own garden, it´s headaches, heavy sneezing, stuffy nose, trouble to breath; I love dogs, but I can't even stay around my own dogs too long, because the hair would cause me to break out in a rash, it's too much, I mean, I´m even allergic to latex!!
But anyway, enough about my silly complaints, after all, I still have all my limbs, and I can still get around without difficulty. In other words, there are people out there who are suffering much more, and some even carry their burden without so much as a squeak...Definitely, we need to teach our kids to be more understanding to people that are mentally challenged, deformed or crippled, because apparently, we forget that they are people too...It's not nice at all to exclude anyone, no matter what their economic situation, ailment, ethnic background etc.
They Don't Need Our Sympathy, They Need Us To Understand!
So we have to start this training at home, or if not, then you would have little creeps like myself running around causing what ever problems, believe me, no one wants that!
Then, let's try waking up to a new day, and start all over again at being nice to the people we would normally try to give hell to, huh? What do you think? I mean, if me, the jerk can try doing that, what about you, the good guys? Have a good day.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Experience, Huh?!
By Kerwin De Matas
What a great way to start the week, eh? Bus on the way to an event with military personnel ( a band I think they said ), with quite a lot of them eighteen and nineteen years of age, running off a bridge after a turn on a tight bend, falling 15 meters into the river... what the hell?! This has got to be a joke now, I mean, it is becoming too common to see buses crashing down ravines or rivers now, that it's not strange anymore, lord God, what is happening on our roads. Some times I wonder if I should put photos in my blog, with the most graphic details of victims after an accident, but you know what?.....I think that this won't serve any purpose, since there are idiots that will or would not pay attention anyway. Imagine we have yet another tragedy on one of our roads in Chile, where of the nineteen passengers, some died immediately on impact, some survived, whilst the rest had to suffer a little bit more, eventually drowning...
Need To Go Back To Basics!!
Bus companies, or other companies that rent out buses for private travel... how the hell do they go about employing drivers, or how does the process go about renting out these buses. It's always the same shit; " We are very particular about whom we do business with... "," The drivers have a lot of experience... "," Buses are revised and are on top of the game ...", it's always the same. This would be on the news for a couple of days, and then would be forgotten as a day gone bad.
How could this driver, may he rest in peace, not know, or couldn't have felt that the brakes weren't strong enough, to support the speed that he was going at. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but the guy took eighteen or more lives with him for his and the army's negligence, so how can I be all smiley and bunny eyed!! This tragedy, has been for the army, I think the second one in two years. LOOK WHAT HAPPENED IN ANTUCO, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! Is it hard, even for the army to learn from stupid mistakes, costing the lives of poor people's kids?! Man, I tell you, I am so pissed off at seeing mothers, sisters, brothers, kids of the deceased, all hurting, T.V cameras up in their faces, taking advantage of another hot story. It's just sickening, that people's hurt can be marketed in such a cold manner, and if you think that other people would at least learn from these scenes? Hell no, the ignorance just goes on!!
Our gracious government officials, instead of going in front of the cameras, and doing their acting thing, of feeling most sorry for the affected families. Why don´t they, if they are so concerned, try putting steps in place to crack down on the carelessness involved in the revision process of private and commercial vehicles. Attention should be heightened when it comes to proper instruction of drivers or would be drivers, the situation is becoming really ridiculous now!! But what the hell am I doing, might as well look for a genie and make a wish, because " ain't nothing happening now brother!"
May these guys rest in peace...
Trapped in the glorious years
within the memory of belief, lost of all grief.
Take the reasons,
which once seemed so clear,
but never mind, you have nothing to fear.
For you my friend will be, forever young,
Forever in the heart of Renee 'nay' Kristen Kristen
Monday, November 13, 2006
By Kerwin De Matas
The 16Th Ibero-American Summit hosted in Uruguay's capital, Montevideo, invited speakers from Latin America, Spain and Portugal, to discuss the heavy discrimination towards workers migrating to northern America and Europe. This is an issue of major concern, especially now, because of the frequent attacks towards immigrant workers. Discrimination in these countries is not something new, but was thought, that during on going development and modernization, migrating peoples would have been accepted into the workforce of their adopted countries; but, it is the complete opposite.
After All, These People Built America!
The hate is sometimes so obvious, it is scary! In countries considered super powers, because of their huge economies, believe it or not, but they are also suffering from their particular economic woes because of falling prices all over the world. On the other hand, because of the reserves that these countries maintain, they still don't feel the pain, the poorer countries feel in these times where oil prices are the deciding factor world wide. So of course, employers from North America and Europe are looking for ways to cut cost, by outsourcing jobs to other countries where labour and material are cheaper, costing a lot less for production. Smaller companies that cannot be that ambitious, take the alternative of hiring immigrant workers, paying them less than they would have to pay a local.
Crack Down On Illegal Immigrants, But Don't Harass The Legals!!
For me, this part is a little bit confusing, because an immigrant worker, working legally in these countries, even if being exempt from some of the major taxes, would still need money to survive, wouldn't they? Saving is all well and good, sending money home is a guarantee that where they come from, their economic situation would improve immensely, but still, they would be working for much less than a person born and raised in the super power countries. But then, this is a choice taken by an immigrant, and I think that as long as these people have their papers in order to work in a foreign country, they should be left alone, and not be attacked always for various reasons. As I said earlier, the business environment is changing drastically, and a lot of businesses are looking for other alternatives to survive.
They Work Hard Like Anyone Else!
I am not an economist, so I don't know what steps should be taken to save an economy, but solutions should be looked for to avoid out sourcing major jobs, and at the same time protecting immigrants from being exploited on the jobs and attacked off the jobs. If locals from those countries are refusing to work for less money, for obvious reasons, and immigrants are choosing to leave their countries to look for a better life for themselves and their family, then they should not be treated as scapegoats for an economic structure that has been crumbling for a long time. Hope this meeting in South America came up with a few solutions and strategies to help people migrating to other countries in search of a better life. Good job.
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