Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dont Worry, Be Happy....

By Kerwin De Matas

We worry too much. So much shit happening all over the world, people dying, hunger, wars, so much shit, and I am worrying about my house bill which haven´t come to my house as yet, it´s not even three days before the month is finished. That is what happens to most of us. We should be very thankful that we have food on our tables, if not often, at least we don´t have to go days scrimmiging...

People Elsewhere Go Hungry

Hurricanes don´t reach this far; strong earthquakes are not fierce just yet to cause distruction; one out of a hundred, we can bet that our families are going to be home at the end of the day; salaries might be small, but those that do have it, should feel fortunate to have a job to provide it....We really worry about too much shit, don´t we?

This Happens After An Earthquake

Try appreciating the fact that the health is still with us to get up from bed every day to be able to go to where ever we go to make our daily bread. To be able to enjoy a beautiful day when it does come along, go to the mall to browse a little bit like everyone else, if not to buy material stuff, at least to be able to buy an ice cream for ourselves and our wives or whoever.

Casualties Of War...

On the weekends, if some cannot leave the city to enjoy the country side, at least the parks are still there; not having to worry about some missile coming down destroying it, and killing us and our families. The friends are still there to visit on our free time, then going to a disco if we want; without having to worry about curfews limiting our liberties. What I´m saying with all this blah,blah, is, we shouldn´t put too much worry on our shoulders, when we think that we have the world of problems, it´s only because other people are suffering more than us. We should all try looking at the positive things in our lives to continue.

Other People Suffer More..

Speaking for my self now, apart from waiting for a bill that´s not even due yet, I do try worrying less for shit, and try to enjoy the days as they come by. If I am being ungrateful, I just look at the news! That´s enough for me to appreciate everything...Us human beings really need to lighten up a bit, if we do that, things all over might just be better, you don´t think? Maybe we won´t grow old too fast if we don´t worry, and just be happy... what do you think, huh?

We Should Try This More Often!

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